“Delight others. Make a connection.” - Adam Robinson (fascinating guy – long-time friend of Warren Buffet and Bobby Fischer – 2 of the best in their respective fields, ever).
Delight others.
Make a connection.
Every single interaction is an opportunity to delight.
Going to a pitch? Don’t sell the product. Delight the potential client. Connect with them.
Texting a friend or loved one? Delight her. Delight him. Connect.
All interaction touch points – delight, connect.
I’m willing to bet we each have at least 20 interaction touch points per day – between real life family, friends, colleagues and random strangers, as well as their digital counterparts we engage with on social media. That’s 20 opportunities to delight or connect on a daily basis.
Too often, we play games. We only act positively if we are treated positively. We have a chip on our collective societal shoulder. But why? What if we could change that? Go first – delight, connect.
We each have 20 opportunities a day to “create magic” (as Adam Robinson would say).
That’s a pretty cool way of looking at life. I am stupidly self-absorbed and too often caught in my own mind, so these words here are specifically targeted at my own thick head. The joys of blogging, eh?
So, let’s take focus off ourselves, and let’s make life an exciting series of opportunities to create magic with others.
Great post wow 👏